
3 members:

  • Dr. Lluis Coll Mir
  • Dr. Damià Vericat Querol
  • Dr. Aitor Ameztegui González

1 PhD Student:

  • Ms. Giada Centenaro


You can contact with Academic Committee’s members through Virtual Campus


Número de plazas

Se ofrecen 10 plazas de nuevo ingreso.


Perfil de ingreso

· Haber realizado un grado/licenciatura en: 

  • Ingeniería Forestal
  • Ingeniería Agraria y Alimentaria
  • Biología
  • Ciencias Ambientales

· Haber cursado alguno de los siguientes Másteres oficiales:

  • Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Montes. UDL
  • Máster Universitario en Planificació Integrada para el Desarrollo Rural y la Gestión Ambiental. UDL-CIHEAM
  • Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Gestión Forestal y de Recursos Naturales en el Mediterráneo. UDL
  • Máster Universitario en Incendios Forestales. UDL
  • Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus European Forestry. UDL
  • Máster Universitario en Gestión forestal y prevención de incendios. UB
  • Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Montes. UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE ÁVILA
  • Máster Universitario en Desarrollo Rural y Certificación Forestal. UCLM
  • Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Ambiental. URV
  • Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Montes. UPM
  • Máster Universitario en Investigación Forestal Avanzada. UPM
  • Máster Universitario en Ecología Terrestre y Gestión de la Biodiversidad. UAB
  • Máster Universitario en Biodiversidad . UB
  • Máster Universitario en Conservación, Gestión y Restauración de la Biodiversidad. Universidad de Granada
  • Máster Universitario en Biodiversidad. UAM
  • Máster Universitario en Gestión de la Biodiversidad en Ambientes Mediterráneos. UM
  • Máster Universitario en Biodiversidad - Universitat de València

La lista no pretende ser exhaustiva. Estas vías de entrada no son exclusivas. Se considerarán también otros másteres de orientación hacia los ámbitos recogidos en el programa. En estos casos, se podrá exigir la realización de complementos de formación que serán definidos por la Comisión académica del programa en cada caso específico.


Criterios de selección

La Comisión Académica del programa será la encargada de realizar la admisión y selección de los estidiantes. En el caso de que la demanda del programa supere el número de plazas máximo ofertado, los criterios de selección en que se basará la comisión académica serán los siguientes:

  1. Estar en posesión del título de máster con las características indicadas en el perfil de ingreso (hasta 5 puntos).
  2. Expediente académico global del título que de acceso al programa (hasta 3 puntos).
  3. Experiencia profesional en ámbitos relacionados con el programa (hasta 1 punto).
  4. Otros méritos (premio fin de carrera, publicaciones, otras titulaciones, etc.) (hasta 1 punto)

La comisión académica del programa detallará el baremo utilizado en el proceso de admisión, que será público y conocido por el aspirante.


Complementos de formación

Los estudiantes que accedan al doctorado con titulación de máster con perfil investigador accederán al programa sin
complementos de formación. Los que accedan con un máster sin dicho perfil completarán su formación con las actividades formativas que determine su director de tesis y su tutor con la conformidad de la Comisión Académica del programa.


Dosier de Indicadores del Programa

Dosier de Indicadores de este Programa de Doctorado (según los indicadores de la Guía de Acreditación de AQU Catalunya)



Basic competences

- Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of the abilities and research methods related to this field.

- Ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.

- Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through an original search.

- Ability to perform critical analysis and evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.

- Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and society in general about their fields of knowledge in the ways and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.

- Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advances within a knowledge-based society.

Capabilities and personal skills

- Develop in contexts where there is little specific information. 

- Find the key questions that need to be answered to solve a complex problem.

- Design, create, develop and undertake new and innovative projects in their area of knowledge.

- Work both in a team and autonomously in an international or multidisciplinary context.

- Integrate knowledge, face complexity and make judgments with limited information.

- Criticism and intellectual defense of solutions.

Other competencies

Without specific competitions by request of the evaluators.

  Training Activities

- Here you'll find all the information about the Doctoral TRAINING ACTIVITIES

Hours: 30

Typology: Training Researchers (TR) may participate in theoretical and scientific, methodological, applied, or other training courses that, together with the thesis Director, they deem necessary for their doctoral training.

Content: Courses that provide TR with the necessary training to complete their doctorate.

Character: Optional

Teaching modality: Courses or workshops may consist of face-to-face, semi-classroom or virtual teaching, including webinars.

Temporary planning: The TR, and the directors, will establish the best moment to take part in training courses. Even so, it is advised that these be carried out at the initial stage of their training.

Competencies: The objective competences of this activity will be determined by the thesis directors based on the needs of the TR.

Evaluation and control procedure: The first evaluation of this activity will be carried out by the thesis directors based on the documentation provided by the TR, which will accept or not the courses as a doctoral program activity. Subsequently, the Commission will review the courses accepted by the directors to verify that they conform to the training activity in question.

Human and material resources: Directors should devote time to select courses with TR. The TR must devote time to the realization of the courses and to the displacement to the place where they are offered if necessary.

Hours: 60

Typology: The TR may participate in scientific activities in research groups of a theoretical, scientific, methodological, applied, or other nature that, together with the thesis Director, they deem necessary for their doctoral training.

Content: The activity will consist of the development of tasks that are directly related to the development of the thesis, or that allow to obtain specific training that will benefit the development of the thesis.

Character: Optional

Teaching modality: This activity will be carried out in person, although it can be complemented with non-contact activities if its type allows, including webinars.

Temporary planning: The TR, and the directors, will establish the best moment of the doctoral training to carry out scientific activities in research groups.

Competencies: The objective competences of this activity will be determined by the thesis directors based on the needs of the TR.

Evaluation and control procedure: The first evaluation of this activity will be carried out by the thesis directors based on the documentation provided by the TR, which will accept or not the scientific activities in research groups as an activity of the doctoral program. These activities must be described in the annual report that the TR will present to the commission. Subsequently, the Commission will review the scientific activities in research groups accepted by the directors to verify that they conform to the training activity in question.

Human and material resources: Directors should devote time to coordinate scientific activities in research groups with TR based on the research objectives. The TR must devote time to the realization of the scientific activities in research groups and to the displacement to the place where they are given if necessary.

Hours: 80

Typology: The TR may participate in professional meetings of a scientific nature, both national and international.

Content: The activity will consist of participating in professional meetings of a scientific nature.

Character: Optional

Teaching modality: This activity will take place in person or online

Temporary planning: The TR, and directors, will establish the best moment of the doctoral training to participate in professional meetings.

Competencies: In this activity the competences CB15, CB16, CA06 will be worked on. The results to be obtained will be the achievement of these competences.

Evaluation and control procedure: The first evaluation of this activity will be carried out by the thesis directors based on the documentation provided by the TR, which will accept or not the activities of attendance and participation in professional meetings as an activity of the doctoral program. Subsequently, the Commission will review these activities accepted by the directors to verify that they conform to the training activity in question.

Human and material resources: Directors should spend time coordinating attendance at professional meetings with TR. TRs should devote time to preparing communications and attending these meetings.

Hours: 100

Typology: The TR may prepare scientific-technical or dissemination documents related to their research activity.

Content: The activity will consist of the writing and publication of documents that transfer to the scientific community and society in general the progress made by the TR.

Character: Optional

Teaching modality: It is a face-to-face activity (preparation of scientific documents), although part of the process related to document review can be online.

Temporary planning: The TR, and directors, will establish the best moment of the doctoral training to  publish the results and the scope of these.

Competencies: In this activity the competences CB15, CB16, CA04 and CA06 will be worked on.

Evaluation and control procedure: The first evaluation of this activity will be carried out by the thesis directors based on the documentation provided by the TR, which will accept or not the scientific-technical or dissemination documents accredited by the TR as a doctoral program activity. Subsequently, the Commission will review the drafted documents accepted by the directors to verify that they conform to the training activity in question.

Human and material resources: Directors should spend time coordinating the structure and content of the scientific-technical or dissemination documents that the TR prepare. In the same way, they must also devote the necessary time to face the comments of the reviewers and the subsequent revision of the article. The TR must devote time to the preparation of the documents, their submission, review and correspondence with the editors.

Nº Horas: 40

Tipología: Los IeF podrán participar en actividades de movilidad de carácter teórico, científico, metodológico, aplicado, o de otro tipo que, juntamente con el Director de tesis, consideren necesario para su formación doctoral.

Contenido: La actividad consistirá en el desarrollo de tareas relacionadas con el desarrollo de la tesis en instituciones distintas de la UdL, preferiblemente en laboratorios, grupos o departamentos de referencia en la temática de la tesis.

Carácter: Optativa

Modalidad de enseñanza: Presencial

Planificación temporal: Los IeF, de acuerdo con los directores, establecerán el momento del desarrollo de la tesis más conveniente para llevar a cabo acciones de movilidad en base a los objetivos de ésta.

Competencias: Las competencias objetivo de esta actividad serán determinadas por los directores de tesis en función de las necesidades de los IeF, las características del centro receptor y el objetivo de la estancia.

Recursos humanos y materiales: Los directores deberán dedicar tiempo a coordinar actividades de movilidad con los IeF, incluyendo el contacto con el centro receptor (e investigador responsable de la estancia). Los IeF deberán dedicar tiempo a la realización de las actividades de movilidad, incluyendo el desplazamiento y los informes necesarios post-estancia (si procede).

Procedimiento de evaluación y control: El investigador en formación deberá incluir en el documento de actividades de doctorado (RAPI) el listado de todas las actividades realizadas en grupos de investigación a las que haya ido asistiendo en cada curso académico. Además, debe especificar en el RAPI: fecha, título y adjuntar el certificado acreditativo de su participación.
Esto será evaluado por la Comisión Académica del programa que elaborará un informe de evaluación del doctorando.

  Research Lines

Indexing of theses articles by compendium of the PhD Programme de Doctorat in Forestry and Natural Environmental Managemen

Of the articles published or accepted, at least two must be published in journals that occupy relevant positions (quartile 1 and 2) in the Science edition or the Social Science edition of the Journal Montmrern Reports. Likewise, journals that occupy these same quartiles in the Scimago Journal Rank according to the Suject Category or the journals contained in databases such as Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Science Gelin Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Gelin Index (A&HCI), Scopus or the Carhus plus lists (A or B) are considered.

A letter from the thesis supervisor must be submitted showing the situation of each of the articles (published or accepted) and the impact index of each of the articles that are part of the thesis.
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