The announcement of the Special Doctoral Awards  is approved by the Doctoral School's Steering Committee, is addressed at doctors that have obtained Mention Cum Laude at the defence of the PhD thesis at the academic year that determines the announcement.

The prizes are valued by a jury designated for each field and announcement, resolved by the Steering Committee and ratified by the Council of Governance of the UdL.

Documents for this call:

Regulations for the Special Doctoral Awards

Call Special Doctoral Awards 2024

Application for the Special Doctoral Awards 2024

Provisional list of admited and excluded to the Special Doctoral Awards 2024

Definitive list of admited and excluded to the Special Doctoral Awards 2024

Assessment scales by areas of knowledge:

01 - Experimental Sciences

02 - Medicine and Surgery

03 - Agronomic Engineering

04 - Law

07 - Economics

08 - Biomedicine

09 - Psycopedagogy

10 - Food Science and Tecnology

11 - Forest Engineering

12 - Physical Education

13 - Computer Engineering and Mathematics

14 - Industrial Engineering

15 - Psycology

16 - Nursing and Physiotherapy

51 - Geography and Sociology

52 - History, Art History and Social History

61 - English Studies

62 - Catalan Studies and Communication

63 - French Studies

64 - Hispanic Studies

Composition of the Advisory Commmittees by areas of knowledge:

Advisory Committee of 02-Medicine and Surgery

Advisory Committee of de 03-Agronomic Engineering

Advisory Committee of 07-Economics

Advisory Committee of 08-Biomedicine

Advisory Committee of 10-Food Science and Tecnology

Advisory Committee of  11-Foresty Engineering

Advisory Committee of 12-Physical Education

Advisory Committee of 13-Computer Engineering and Mathematincs

Advisory Committee of 15-Psycology

Advisory Committee of 16-Nursing and Pysiotherapy

Advisory Committee of 51-Geography and Sociology

Advisory Committee of 52-History, Art Histoty and Social History

Special Doctoral Awards Resolution

Resolution of the Special Doctoral Awards year 2024

(Approved by the Doctoral School's Steering Committee, in May 2023, 28th; and by the Council of Governance of the UdL, in June 2023, 20th)

Documents for this call:

Regulations for the Special Doctoral Awards

Call Special Doctoral Awards 2023

Applications for the Special Doctoral Awards 2023

Provisional list of admited and excluded to the Doctoral Awards 2023

Definitive list of admited and excluded to the Doctoral Awards 2023

Assessment scales by areas of knowledge:

01 - Experimental Sciences

02 - Medicine and Surgery

03 - Agronomic Engineering

04 - Law

07 - Economics

08 - Biomedicine

09 - Psycopedagogy

10 - Food Science and Tecnology

11 - Forest Engineering

12 - Physical Education

13 - Computer Engineering and Mathematics

14 - Industrial Engineering

15 - Psycology

16 - Nursing and Physiotherapy

51 - Geography and Sociology

52 - History, Art History and Social History

61 - English Studies

62 - Catalan Studies and Communication

63 - French Studies

64 - Hispanic Studies

Composition of the Advisory Commmittees by areas of knowledge:

Advisory Committee of 03 - Agronomic Engineering

Advisory Committee of 07 - Economics

Advisory Committee of 08 - Biomedicine

Advisory Committee of 12 - Physical Education

Special Doctoral Awards Resolution

Resolution of the Special Doctoral Awards year 2023

(Approved by the Doctoral School's Steering Committee, in May 2023, 30th; and by the Council of Governance of the UdL, in June 2023, 29th)

Ceremony of Special Awards and Mentions of Excellence of the University of Lleida

On Tuesday, March 6th, 2024, took place the ceremony of Special Doctoral Awards, Special Degree and Master Awards and Metions of Excellence of the Universitay of Lleida, broadcst live through the UdL's Bestand:YouTube Logo 2017.svg - Wikipedia  chanel, and you can see by accessing this link.

Photo galery of the Awards cerimony

Documents for this call:

Regulations for the Special Doctoral Awards

Call Special Doctoral Awards 2022

Application for the Special Doctoral Awards 2022

Provisional list of admitted and excluded to the Doctoral Awards 2022

Definitive list of admitted and excluded to the Doctoral Awards 2022

Assessment scales by areas of knowledge:

01 - Experimental Sciences

02 - Medicine and Surgery

03 - Agronomic Engineering

04 - Law

07 - Economics

08 - Biomedicine

09 - Psycopedagogy

10 - Food Science and Tecnology

11 - Forest Engineering

12 - Physical Education

13 - Computer Engineering and Mathematics

14 - Industrial Engineering

15 - Psycology

16 - Nursing and Physiotherapy

51 - Geography and Sociology

52 - History, Art History and Social History

61 - English Studies

62 - Catalan Studies and Communication

63 - French Studies

64 - Hispanic Studies

Composition of the Advisory Commmittees by areas of knowledge:

Advisory Committee of 01 - Experimental Sciences

Advisory Committee of 02 - Medicine and Surgery

Advisory Committee of 03 - Agronomic Engineering

Advisory Committee of 04 - Law

Advisory Committee of 07 - Economics

Advisory Committee of 08 - Biomedicine

Advisory Committee of 09 - Psycopedagogy

Advisory Committee of 10 - Food Science and Tecnology

Advisory Committee of 11 - Forest Engineering

Advisory Committee of 12 - Physical Education

Advisory Committee of 13 - Computer Engineering and Mathematics

Advisory Committee of 14 - Industrial Engineering

Advisory Committee of 15 - Psycology

Advisory Committee of 16 - Nursing and Physiotherapy

Advisory Committee of 52 - History, Art History and Social History

Advisory Committee of 61 - English Studies

Advisory Committee of 64 - Hispanic Studies

Special Doctoral Awards Resolution

Resolution of the Special Doctoral Awards 2022

(Approved by the Doctoral School's Steering Committee, in June 2022, 3th; and by the Council of Governance of the UdL, in June 2022, 21st)

Ceremony of Special Awards and Mentions of Excellence of the University of Lleida

On Tuesday, November 8th, 2022, took place the ceremony of Special Doctoral Awards, Special Degree and Master Awards and Metions of Excellence of the Universitay of Lleida, broadcst live through the UdL's Bestand:YouTube Logo 2017.svg - Wikipedia  chanel, and you can see by accessing this link.

Photo galery of the Awards cerimony

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