Friday, 13 December de 2019 Tesi : " Responsible Research and Innovation applied to Renewable Energy Research. A theoretical contextualization and implementation proposals" Autor/a: Ruth Carbajo García - LECTURA DE TESI DOCTORAL
Tuesday, 10 December de 2019 Tesi : "Projecte RELL (Registre Lleidatà de Lesions) Estudio epidemiológico descriptivo del fútbol base no profesional masculino en etapa formativa (U11-U18)" Autor/a: Sergi Matas Garcia - LECTURA DE TESI DOCTORAL
Tuesday, 10 December de 2019 Tesi : "Photoperiod response as a driver of flowering time in spring durum wheat and its influence on productivity, and environmental adaptability" Autor/a: Jose María Arjona Rodríguez - LECTURA DE TESI DOCTORAL
Thursday, 05 December de 2019 Tesi : "Dietary plant bioactives to prevent pathologies: Olive oil polyphenols and endogenous vitamin E. Red-fleshed apples to control carcinogen-induced colon-cancer rat model" Autor/a: David Bars Cortina - LECTURA DE TESI DOCTORAL
Friday, 29 November de 2019 Tesi : "Medicina de precisión: Síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño" Autor/a: Fernando Santamaría Martos - LECTURA DE TESI DOCTORAL