Doctoral Sessions

Doctoral studies are a fundamental pillar in a knowledge-based society, and researchers in training are fundamental actors in the progress of scientific knowledge. The Doctoral School of the University of Lleida organizes this Session to promote scientific, technological, social, artistic and cultural advancement of our society.

The main objectives are, on the one hand, to increase the transversal competences in research, innovation and dissemination of the researchers in training of all the Doctorate Programs of the UdL; on the other hand, promote the influence and mutual knowledge between the academic and scientific community of the UdL. And finally, develop a training activity that allows the PhD students their progress in research.

About 180 PhD attended the 2025 Doctoral Session that took place on March 5th, in the UdL's Building Centre de Cultures i Cooperació Transfronterera of Cappont Campus

Inagurated by Mr. Jaume Puy Llorens, Lord Rector of this University, and closed by  Sra. Olga Martín Belloso, vice-rector of Knowledge Transfer; offered two conferences:

Why do we do a doctorate? Promises and pitfalls of research careers

by Ms. Montserrat Castelló Badia,Full Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Education Sciences and Sports, Blanquerna, and director of the Institute for Research in Psychology, Learning, and Development -RE-Psy- at the Ramon Llull University, reflected on the differences between conducting research, being someone who researches, and completing a doctoral thesis.


Training opportunities during the PhD: beyond academic research

by Dr. Belén Villacampa Naverac, coordinator of the PhD area of Campus Iberus, PhD in Physical Sciences by the Universidad de Zaragoza and professor in this University, explained that Doctoral studies must be complemented with activities that go beyond academic research, with transversal training actions, as well as to the promotion of internationalization, in order to facilitate the acquisition of skills that contribute to a better positioning of doctors in a constantly changing labor market.

The event took advantage of the event to present the new image of the School and the THIRD ESPAI, an initiative of the Doctoral School promoted by doctoral students from the University of Lleida (UdL) to offer a COMMUNITY SPACE for all doctoral students and the university community.

The event presented the new image of the School and the TERCER ESPAI, an initiative of the Doctoral School promoted by doctoral students from the University of Lleida (UdL) to offer a COMMUNITY SPACE for all doctoral students and the university community.


The Session also offered to the PhD the oportunity to participate in the differents simultaneous space exchanges:

Write a Data Management Plan (DMP) -  Introduction, guide and tool for Developing a DMP

by Ms. Eva Estupinyà Piñol, Ms. Romina Sancho Fons and  Ms. Pilar Rigual Puntos, from from de Library and Documentation unit of the  UdL

Guide to develop a Data Management PLan for doctoral students

Emotional Wellbeing during the PhD - How to understand emotions, becoming aware of them and managing them in an adaptative way

by Ms. Agnes Ros Morente, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Sciences of the Ud


Science with social impact: how to disseminate research so that knowledge reaches the population

by Mr. Guillem Suau Gomila, Doctor in Communication from the UPF, lecturer professor and academic coordinator of the Degree in Communication and Audiovisual Journalism at the University of Lleida (UdL).


How to avoid being overlooked at a scientific conference - How to approach a scientific conference and give an oral presentation

by Ms. Laura Sarri Espinosa, Doctor from the University of Lleida. Postdoc in the Agrotechnology Research Center – Agrotecnio of the UdL


Artificial Intelligence in doctoral research – key concepts and practical applications

by Mr. Arna Erta Majó – Doctor from the UdL and  professor at the Faculty of Literature of the UdL


Video of the Session Bestand:YouTube Logo 2017.svg - Wikipedia - Photo gallery


The management team and the rest of the staff f the Doctoral School thanks the participation of the colleagues who collaborated in the organization and development of the Session, the participants of the contests and all the PhD ho attended


Link to UdL's new


More than 150 PhD attended the 2024 Doctoral Session that took place on March 6th, in the UdL's Building Centre de Cultures i Cooperació Transfronterera of Cappont Campus

Inagurated by Mr. Jaume Puy Llorens, Lord Rector of this University, and closed by  Mrs. Natàlia Alonso Martínez, vice-rector of Research; offered two conferences:

"The Sputnik moment"

by Dr. Marc Alier Forment, Doctor in Sustainability and associate professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), specialized in computer science, information systems, e-learning and IT Ethics, talked about the AI due to the launch of ChatGPT (, something tangible and that impacts as researchers and as teachers, exploring how this affects doctoral research: opportunities, challenges, tools, threats, conflicts and pitfalls.

"Oportunidades de la formación durante el Doctorado: más allá de la investigación académica"

by Dr. Belén Villacampa Naverac, coordinator of the PhD area of Campus Iberus, PhD in Physical Sciences by the Universidad de Zaragoza and professor in this University, explained that Doctoral studies must be complemented with activities that go beyond academic research, with transversal training actions, as well as to the promotion of internationalization, in order to facilitate the acquisition of skills that contribute to a better positioning of doctors in a constantly changing labor market.


The Session also offered to the PhD the oportunity to participate in the differents simultaneous space exchanges:

The relationship between doctoral students and directors: key to the progress and success of doctoral training – Practical recommendations

Space specially addressed to directors and tutors and members of the Academic Committees, intended to present the document prepared by a Working Group of the Doctorate School

You'll find the information here

Write a Data Management Plan (DMP) -  Introduction, guide and tool for Developing a DMP

by Ms. Eva Estupinyà Piñol, Ms. Romina Sancho FonsMs. Mireia Vilaspasa Marsan and  Ms. Pilar Rigual Puntos, from from de Library and Documentation unit of the  UdL


Emotional Wellbeing during the PhD - How to understand emotions, becoming aware of them and managing them in an adaptative way

by Ms. Agnes Ros Morente, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Sciences of the UdL



Scientific dissemination in social networks: How can I start and why?

by Ms. Meritxell Soria Yenez, Responsible of Communication and of the  UCC+I in the Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida (IRBLleida)


Websites for checking fake news: MALDITACIENCIA i verificatEscola


La nueva función de llamadas de Twitter


Session's videos Bestand:YouTube Logo 2017.svg - Wikipedia - Photo gallery


The management team and the rest of the staff f the Doctoral School thanks the participation of the colleagues who collaborated in the organization and development of the Session, the participants of the contests and all the PhD ho attended


Link to the UdL's new



 More than 180 PhD attended the 2023 Doctoral Session that took place on March 1st, in the UdL's Rectorat Building

Inagurated by Mr. Jaume Puy Llorens, Lord Rector of this University, and closed by  Mrs. Olga Martin Belloso, vice-rector of Research and Transfer; offered two conferences:

"Fomentar las relaciones significativas y de solidaridad durante los estudios de Doctorado"

by Dr. Mónica López López, PhD in Psicology by the Universidad de Oviedo and associate prfessor at the University of Groningen, talked about the importance of friendships, meaningful relationships and intersectional solidarity as self-care strategies during the PhD, as well as key strategies to create a healthier, inclusive and socially fair university


"Oportunidades de la formación durante el Doctorado: más allá de la investigación académica"

by Dr. Belén Villacampa Naverac, coordinator of the PhD area of Campus Iberus, PhD in Physical Sciences by the Universidad de Zaragoza and professor in this University, explained that Doctoral studies must be complemented with activities that go beyond academic research, with transversal training actions, as well as to the promotion of internationalization, in order to facilitate the acquisition of skills that contribute to a better positioning of doctors in a constantly changing labor market.


The Session also offered to the PhD the oportunity to participate in the differents simultaneous space exchanges:

Write a Data Management Plan (DMP) -  Introduction, guide and tool for Developing a DMP

by Ms. Eva Estupinyà Piñol, Ms. Romina Sancho FonsMs. Mireia Vilaspasa Marsan and  Ms. Pilar Rigual Puntos, from from de Library and Documentation unit of the  UdL


Emotional Wellbeing during the PhD - How to understand emotions, becoming aware of them and managing them in an adaptative way

by Ms. Agnes Ros Morente, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Sciences of the UdL



Scientific dissemination in social networks: How can I start and why?

by Ms. Meritxell Soria Yenez, Responsible of Communication and of the  UCC+I in the Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida (IRBLleida)


Websites for checking fake news: MALDITACIENCIA and verificatEscola


Session's video - Photo galllery


The management team and the rest of the staff f the Doctoral School thanks the participation of the colleagues who collaborated in the organization and development of the Session, the participants of the contests and all the PhD ho attended


Link to the UdL's new

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More than 150 PhD attended the 2022 Doctoral Session that took place on March 2nd, in the UdL's Rectorat Building

Inagurated by Mr. Jaume Puy Llorens, Lord Rector of this University, and closed by  Mrs. Olga Martin Belloso, vice-rector of Research and Transfer; offered two conferences:

You can see the conference's video here

  • "Training opportunities during the doctorate: beyond academic reserarch" by Dr. Belén Villacampa Naverac, coordinator of the PhD area of Campus Iberus, PhD in Physical Sciences by the Universidad de Zaragoza and professor in this University, explained that Doctoral studies must be complemented with activities that go beyond academic research, with transversal training actions, as well as to the promotion of internationalization, in order to facilitate the acquisition of skills that contribute to a better positioning of doctors in a constantly changing labor market.

You can see the conference's video here

The Session also offered to the PhD the oportunity to participate in the differents simultaneous space exchanges:

"The Research Plan and the training activities: what, how and when"

"And after thesis, what?"

"FAQS, answers to the most frequently asked questions"

"Open Science application in the doctoral thesis"

The different spaces were led by staff from the School, the coordinators of the different PhD Programmes offered by the School and some other people fron the UdL, who are experts in the subjects in each space; where topics of special interests to PhD during their Doctoral studies.

Previously to the closing of the Session, the AWARDS were given to the winners of the contests:

- Prize to the best scientific poster awared by the Scientific Committee of the School and for the researchers in training: Mrs. Patrícia Montes Labrador, from the PhD Programme in Health

- Prize for the best scientific poster awared by the Scientific Committee of the School: Mr. Ruben Espuny Cugat, from the PhD Programme in Law and Business Administration

- Prize for the Reel with the most likes: Mrs. Carla Camí Garanto, from the de Phd Programme in Health

To all of them, the most sincere CONGRATULATIONS!!!



You can see the main acts of the Session through this link:

You can see the winner Reel here

Photo gallery


The management team and the rest of the staff f the Doctoral School thanks the participation of the colleagues who collaborated in the organization and development of the Session, the participants of the contests and all the PhD ho attended


Link to the UdL's new

Facebook - Twitter - Instagram

More than 300 PhD attended the 2021 Doctoral Session that took place on April, 28th, completly online because of the current health emergency situation. 

Inagurated by Mr. Jaume Puy Llorens, Lord Rector of this University, and closed by  Mrs. Olga Martin Belloso, vice-rector of Research and Transfer; offered two conferences: Dr. Neus Oliveras Jané, Doctor in Law and professor of Constitutional Law at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, talked about the gender stereotypes and their perpetuation in society; and el Dr. Oriol Marimon Garrido, Doctor in Organic Chemistry at the Universitat de Barcelona and co-founder of Big Van Ciencia, talked about the current situation of the dessemination of science and about new approaches, innovative formats and social net works.

The Session also offered to the PhD the oportunity to participate in the differents simultaneous space exchanges: "What is the Iberus Connect mentoring program?", "The Research Plan and the training activities: what, how and when", "And after thesis, what?" and "FAQS, answers to the most frequently asked questions", led by staff from the School, the coordinators of the different PhD Programmes offered by the School and some other people fron the UdL  and the Campus Iberus consortium, who are experts in the subjects in each space; where topics of special interests to PhD during their Doctoral studies.

Previously to the closing of the Session, the AWARDS were given to the winners of the contests:

- Prize for the best scientific poster awared by the Scientific Committee of the School: Mrs. Miriam Fernández Calleja, from the PhD Programme in Agriculture and Food Science and Tecnology

- Prize to the best scientific poster for the researchers in training: Mrs. Lucia Pinilla Latorre, from the PhD Programme in Health

- Prize for the Reel with the most likes: Mrs. Alicia Romero Martínez, from the de Phd Programme in Education, Society and Quality of Life

To all of them, the most sincere CONGRATULATIONS!!!

You can see the posters winners here and the winner Reel here


The management team and the rest of the staff f the Doctoral School thanks the participation of the colleagues who collaborated in the organization and development of the Session, the participants of the contests and all the PhD ho attended


Link to the UdL's new

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Because of the situation for the Covid-19 pandemic, the Docctoral Session for the year 2020 had to be cancelled.


The direction, subdirectorate and the rest of the staff of the Doctorate School sincerely thank all the participants in the Seminar, especially to Dr. Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence Research (IIIA-CSIC), for his lecture; to Mr. Jaume Puy Llorens, Vice President for Research, members of the roundtable, the coordinators of the different Doctorate Programs and the other members of each of the academic commissions; the participants in the poster competition and the oral communications, to the voluntary doctoral students who collaborated unselfishly in the organization of the Session, as well as to all the doctorates attending the different acts that took place during the day.

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