dijous, 29 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Elucidating the plant growth-promoting effects of three microorganisms on deciduous fruit tree plants using in vitro culture conditions" Autor/a: Daniel Cantabella Velázquez - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL
dimarts, 27 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Enhancement of the applications and functionalities of the Assistant Personal Robot platform" Autor/a: David Martínez Piqué - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL
dimarts, 27 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Venture capital activities in Europe" Autor/a: Fauna Atta Frimpong - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL
dijous, 22 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Hull-less and coloured-grain barley as a source of valuable healthy bioactive compounds" Autor/a: Mariona Martínez Subirà - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL
dijous, 22 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Alternatives for the redesign of beef cattle production: dietary protein, forage intake and feed efficiency" Autor/a: Sandra Costa Roura - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL
divendres, 16 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Plant-produced microbicides against the human immunodeficiency and severe acute respiratory symptom viruses" Autor/a: Amaya Blanco Perera - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL
divendres, 16 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Contributions to automatic configurationand selection for satisfiability" Autor/a: Josep Pon Farreny - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL
dijous, 15 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Factores de rentabilidad en el sector porcino español" Autor/a: Alba Cardil Forradellas - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL
dijous, 15 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Design, development and characterisation of a Combined Solar Thermal Collection and Radiative Cooling System for heat and cold production" Autor/a: Sergi Vall Aubets - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL
dimecres, 14 de juliol de 2021 Tesi: "Dorsal root ganglion neurons as a model of Friedreich Ataxia" Autor/a: Elena Britti - DEFENSA DE TESI DOCTORAL